
MMMCS Vision

At MMMCS, our vision is to create a welcoming community that will provide creative, hands-on learning experiences. Students are empowered to become kind, inclusive, responsible, and curious lifelong learners.

MMMCS Mission 

We are a caring community. We create, we learn, we collaborate!


Our symbol is the Firebird / Red-winged Blackbird – Agelaius phoeniceusIf you watch and listen you can find Red-winged Blackbirds throughout the region near water. You might even see one at the pond near the school.

The Red-Winged Blackbird photo used our site is licensed via Creative Commons and is attributed to USFWSMTNPRAIRIE – https://www.flickr.com/photos/usfwsmtnprairie/27479402626/in/photostream/


Margaret ‘Ma’ Murray was a pioneering newswoman in Fort St John. Murray founded the Alaska Highway News in the 1940s.

The school serves a K-6 population of approximately 340 students.

It includes a public Gathering Centre named for Bella Yahey, a First Nations signatory to Treaty 8. The school has a secondary sized gymnasium (900 m2, and daycare thanks to funding from the City of Fort St John and BC Hydro.

Please see our Contact Us page for our location and numbers.