Please see our November newsletter November 1st newsletter
We would like to share with you Mrs. Fehr’s and Mrs. Green’s classes reciting “All Are Welcome”
Please see our November newsletter November 1st newsletter
We would like to share with you Mrs. Fehr’s and Mrs. Green’s classes reciting “All Are Welcome”
Please see the link below for the assembly slides – we will upload a recording today.
Please see the week ahead for next week. Week Ahead October 18-22
Please see attached newsletter. Also, Fresh To You fundraiser is due on October 21st. Enjoy your Thanksgiving Weekend everyone.
Order form for Fresh To You Fundraiserfundraising letter
Please see updated calendar and reminders for the month of October.
Week Ahead Oct 4-8, 2021 parents
Please find attached the “Fresh to You” fundraiser. All orders are due on October 22nd, 2021.
fundraising letter
Order form for Fresh To You Fundraiser–ZgtAlh0lg9Nv96ct65nuw/edit?usp=sharingOur zoom recording was not working well today. Please see the link provided to see slides from the assembly.
Please find attached our week ahead beginning September 20th. A reminder that the school will be closed on Friday, September 24th, 2021. Thursday, September 23rd is our first P.A.C. meeting – all families welcome. The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Please see updated calendar of events.
Week Ahead September 13-17 for parents
Please see Update for Terry Fox Run.
Terry Fox letter home
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend