We have finally arrived at concert day . The students and staff have worked extremely hard to prepare for the concert and I think you will so enjoy it. Students should arrive between 6:00-6:10 and are to go directly to their pods. We will have mats for outdoor footwear and ask that you please take your footwear off and place on the mats down the hallway, in the Bella Yahey gathering space or bring a plastic bag to place them in to bring in to the gym. We know this is inconvenient but are really trying to keep the gym floor protected from salt, mud and muck.
At the concert tonight there will be a few things for you to participate in. If you would like to bring food bank items, we will have collection boxes for items. Miss Jameilia has put together a video of greetings that will be projected at the concert. We will also have a raffle for 2 prizes donated by Evelyn Sankovic: 1) door wreath 2) Christmas swag. Tickets will be $1.00 each or 6/$5.00. All proceeds from the door prizes will go towards our breakfast program. You will also be able to buy tickets for your children on a holiday Christmas treat basket. Tickets will be .50 each or 3/$1.00 . Proceeds will go towards a variety of kindness activities for the students. The PAC will also have calendars for sale. If you missed the order form and would like to order a calendar, orders will be taken at the concert . The calendars are $18.00 . Families who have not picked up the Purdys chocolate orders, they will be available for pick. We also have a few hoodies, t-shirts and hats from our school order available for purchase. Please drop by the office. We will do another order if there is enough interest around spring break.
Lost and found continues to be displayed. Please look at the lost and found tables by the cave/library. Any items left on Friday will be donated.
We really are looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. On behalf of the staff and students, we wish you a fabulous holiday season.